Protecting women & children
by using law as a tool

Our Primary approach is prevention, or stopping Violence before it occurs. This has been the most strategic approach to ending VAWG in our areas of operation. Community level Prevention strategies include Advocacy which tackles harmful social norms and gender power imbalances.

Kenya is a signatory to a host of International and Regional Treaties, Conventions and Protocols. The 2010 constitution and several other laws have been domesticated to protect women and girls against violence and discrimination.

However, despite of all these Protections, Kenya still has a very high prevalence in issues relating to Gender Based Violence.  Harmful gender norms and systemic weaknesses all impede the full implementation of protection laws and realisation of the empowerment goals for women and girls.

We work with partners and stakeholders; we build the capacity of communities to drive positive change within the community. We create platforms for engagement with Government for Policy and Law Reforms to influence actions, policies and decisions that protect and promote the respect rights of women and children