Saving Lives...
Serving Children

Ripples International Trust (RI) is a not for profit Christian, indigenous Kenyan Civil Society Organization founded in 2002. RI is a child right organization that protects and promotes the respect for the right of children through community focused initiatives in partnership with stakeholders as inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ.



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Impact of Ripples International Programs









girls accessed legal services


children accessed education

through fees, materials, school feeding and mentorship programs at community level


HIV orphans & vulnerable children

living positively
a good number completed college
in gainful employment


women equipped

financial and business literacy skills
supported to start micro-enterprises
70% now out of extreme poverty


women accessed justice

through legal services
relating to family law


community leaders

equipped with child rights protection
interventions knowledge and skills


Corporate & Public leaders

Equipped with servant leadership skills
for community transformation


gender mainstreaming policies

developed for Tharaka Nithi and Meru county governments
to give women a voice in matters governance, representation, and management of public resources


community members reached

with children rights protection messages
through print and electronic media including TV, Radio, IEC materials and murals


girls project

This is a legal advocacy initiative that aims to achieve justice and protection against rape for all children of Kenya


Successful Anti-violence petition

submitted to the National Government through the National Commission to the Administration of Justice (NCA) in 2019


4.35 Million Kenyans need urgent humanitarian assistance.

942,000 children at risk of acute malnutrition.

134,000 cases of pregnant and lactating women acutely malnourished.


Supported over 100 households with cash transfers and drought resistant seeds.

20 Schools with combined population of over 10,000 children in wet feeding.

20 Schools with water trucking and distribution of rainwater harvesting storage tanks.

COVID-19 Updates

Ripples International has been at the forefront in responding to the COVID 19 through its Brighter Days initiative by supporting vulnerable families during this pandemic period. Most of these families are affected due to the measures put in place by the government of Kenya in line with WHO guidelines on Containment of COVID 19.

What We Do

Child Abuse Prevention & Interventions

Nearly one third of Kenyan girls are victims of sexual violence (UNICEF 2012). Of those abused less than 1% never know where to get help, and of the 1% only 10% ever actually received help. Where are the 99% who are abused every year? They suffer in silence. No one will ever know their pain, and their wish.


Education is a foundation for a future out of poverty.

Every child has the right to access safe, quality education.

However, world over millions of children are out of school and while others lack the basic necessities to access education including uniforms, books, school levies, and poor learning conditions. We support them to go school by providing or help link them to food, clothes, school uniform, school fees, medical care and counseling services.


Health a right of every child.

However, infant mortality is high and many children die before age 5 due to preventable causes. Poor health is a major barrier to wholesome life and many children lose critical opportunities to progress in education due to poor health. Many are unable to access health due to the long distances they have to walk to nearest health centres.

We work with partners to ensure every child has access to basic health. We support those who cannot afford it by way of subsidies and transport support to the nearest health centres.

Livelihoods & Resilience

Poverty is a leading cause of child separation and vulnerability in the communities where we work. We empower families and their guardians economically with income generating ventures: They get livestock-goats, cows, rabbits, chicken, and agricultural inputs. We give them skills in agribusiness, and table banking. We walk with them all the way. With our partners, the children’s future is secured in a sustainable manner.

Access to Justice for Women & Children

Every day in Kenya, women are confronted by discrimination, inequality and violence. They face violence, abuse and unequal treatment at home, at work and in their wider communities – and are denied opportunities to learn, to earn and to lead.

Women form the majority of those living in poverty. They have fewer resources, less power and less influence compared to men, and can experience further inequality because of their class, ethnicity and age, as well as religious and other fundamentalism. Gender inequality is a key driver of poverty. And a fundamental denial of women’s rights.